In cooperation with our members Centrum HiLASE and ELI Beamlines, it took place on 5-6 June in Dolní Břežany, the traditional Laser Innovative Technologies workshop.

The workshop program included a number of very interesting presentations not only from members of the Czech Optical Cluster, but also, for example, the announcement of the LIDT Challenge or a guided tour of the HiLASE Center and ELI Beamlines.

More information about the workshop can be found here: Laser Innovative Technologies | Czech Optical Cluster workshop in Dolní Břežany – HiLASE

Chairwoman of the Executive Board of the Czech Optical Cluster Ing. Silvie Skyvová evaluated the workshop and thanked the members of the cluster for their help in organizing the entire event: “Laser applications and technologies are an important pillar of the Czech optical cluster, and the international workshop Laser innovative technologies confirmed that our members are among the world’s best in the field of innovation. Natural industry synergy and cooperation support are key activities of the optical cluster. Sharing experiences and establishing international cooperation was also the goal of this workshop, where we had the opportunity to get to know the Lithuanian laser ecosystem and its representatives. The Czech optical cluster also recently signed a memorandum of cooperation with Photonhub, and we also became members of this platform. Photonhub is a European optical platform based in Brussels, and I believe that this way we will be able to help our members even better and more effectively in establishing new collaborations. Thanks also go to our members ELI Beamlines and Hilas, who helped us organize the meeting and we were able to use their modern facilities.”

Presentations from the workshop can be found here: Presentations

Photos from the workshop can be found here: Photos from the workshop