Electron microscopy is one of the pillars of the Czech Optical Cluster and has a rich representation in it. We bring you an invitation to a very interesting event, which takes place every year in Brno and is organized by several members of the Czech Optical Cluster – the Institute of Instrumentation of the Academy of Sciences, Brno University of Technology, Thermo Fisher Scientific Brno and Tescan Orsay Holding.
For epidemiological reasons, the event will take place online this year. You can look forward to interesting lectures, virtual tours of laboratories or panel discussions with scientific capacities.
The event will take place from Wednesday 14th to Sunday 18th April 2021. During this period, there will also be an accessible installation on Brno’s Svobody Square, which will introduce you to breathtaking images from electron microscopes.
The program and more information can be found here: Days of Electron Microscopy in Brno