At the membership meeting on June 24, 2020, two new members were admitted to the Czech Optical Cluster – SQS fiber optics a.s. and Vrgineers, Inc.
The company SQS fiber optics a.s. is a Czech manufacturer of optical fiber and optoelectronic components and precision mechanical parts. SQS provides solutions for optical, optoelectronic and mechanical components for applications in various instruments, devices and systems across industries, including solutions for demanding operating environments for telecommunications, submarine transmission systems, laser technology, aerospace, defense, energy, mining, transportation, automotive or healthcare.
Vrgineers, Inc. / Virtual Reality Engineers is involved in the production and development of virtual reality goggles. Optics is an integral part of their product development. Both the construction and assembly, as well as the development of glasses take place in the Czech Republic. Vrgineers is not only looking forward to establishing closer contact with Czech companies in the optical industry but is also ready to contribute to its development. The company expects to get new contacts and gain valuable experience from membership in the Czech Optical Cluster.
We look forward to working together.